Pre-Pilates Videos

Organised by parts of the body...

Spine, Ribs and Neck

Pre-Pilates: Healthy Spine
Pre-Pilates Spine: Dead Bug

Your spine is the best friend you never knew you had!  These exercises will help you get a spine that is both strong and mobile to withstand all that life throws at it!  Look after your spine and it’ll have your back too!

Pre-Pilates: Breathing, Ribs & Abdominals
Pre-Pilates Ribs Side Bend

We spend most of our lives never thinking about breathing.  But learning to control our breathing: into our diaphragm or into our ribs helps us strengthen our abdominals and mobilise our ribcage.

Pre-Pilates: Healthy Neck
Pre-Pilates Magic Circle Neck

Our neck both supports a heavy weight and also needs to be highly mobile.  But it often becomes too mobile to to compensate for our upper spine isn’t sufficiently mobile.  That’s how we get neck problems.

Lower Body

Pre-Pilates for your Hips and Pelvis
Bridging with Marching

Poor connections and imbalances in and around the hips (and pelvis) can cause knee and lower back problems.

There’s a lot of truth in this: “we are born through the pelvis and die through the hip”. (Bill Bryson)

Pre-Pilates for your Knees
Prone Thigh Stretch

Knees are designed to be a hinge and they are caught up between highly mobile ankles and hips.

Too much instability in either or muscle imbalances higher up or lower down, often causes knees problems.

Pre-Pilates for Toes & Feet
Toe Corrector Long Seated

Our feet need to be mobile and elastic for shock absorption when striking the ground but lock up like a Rubik’s Cube when we push off from the ground. 

Strength and mobility are needed in our feet and toes.

Upper Body

Pre-Pilates for your Shoulders

Shoulders provide a platform for your arms to move in every direction.  If you have difficulty reaching into the top kitchen cupboard – these exercises are for you!

Pre-Pilates for your Arms
Standing Arm Circles

Once you lose full mobility of your elbow, it’s very difficult to get it back again!  These exercises help us to strengthen our arms and maintain full range of movement in our elbows.

Wrists, hands and fingers

Are you a Keyboard Warrior? Try these mobilisation and strengthening exercises to keep your wrists in good condition and away from a medical wrist support!

Extras ...

Pre-Pilates to Improve Balance

Our balance deteriorates with age, but there’s plenty we can do to slow that or even reverse that trend.  Remember: we are plastic until the end – we can always reverse trends.

Foam Roller Massage
Foam Roller

As a runner and cyclist, I’ve found foam roller massage a very useful way to work out tightness in my body – and that has helped me with my Pilates practice!


Shows my own journey from Contemporary to a more “Classical” approach.  Four graded exercise sequences that mix Pre-Pilates & Pilates.  Read about that journey:  click here

Headstands, handstands & inversions...

There’s a lot of upside-down work in Pilates starting with Rolling exercises like Rolling Like a Ball and Seal to full inversions like The Candlestick on the Cadillac.  Get started here!

Coming Soon!

The Small Print – Please Read

Please Obtain Your Doctor’s Permission Before Beginning Any Exercise Program.

You understand that physical exercise can be strenuous and can expose you to the risk of injury.

We recommend in the strongest terms possible that you get a physical examination from a doctor before participating in any exercise activity.

You voluntarily accept and assume any and all risks, known or unknown, associated with Your Use of this Site and our Services including, without limitation, the risk of physical or mental or emotional injury, minor and/or severe bodily harm, death, and/or illness, which arise by any means, including, without limitation: acts, omissions, recommendations or advice given by us.

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