Open Leg Rocker
– #pilates4life2020: #26 of 31 exercises
What’s it good for?
🌟 This exercise combines what we learned in Rolling Like a Ball and Spine Stretch Forward, but It’s difficulty is increased due to having to hold out the legs and keeping a stable spine as we rock backwards and forwards.
A Quick Guide to Open Leg Rocker
💡 In the start position, create a slight backward tilt of your pelvis to help your balance, prevent your lower back from arching as your hip flexors begin to support your legs – especially as you straighten your knees.
💡 Contract your abdominals yet further to increase this backwards tilt to initiate the backwards roll.
As your body rolls back, keep your elbows open and firm to keep your legs from dropping toward your chest.
💡 Keep a long line by keeping your knees straight and feet pointed. Think of reaching your legs out long into space.
💡 Shoulder stability is a feature of this exercise. Keep your shoulder blades in their neutral position. Don’t allow them to rise up toward your ears.
Joe Pilates on …
💬 Self confidence, poise, consciousness of possessing the power to accomplish our desires, with renewed lively interest in life are the natural results of the practice of (Pilates)” — Joe Pilates (1945)