Spinal Mobility & Strengthening
Pre Pilates Cat / Cow
The Pre Pilates Cat / Cow exercise will help improve spine health and decrease back pain. It will mobilise the hip joint as well as mobilising the spine.
What’s it good for?
🌟 This is excellent for resolving back pain by mobilising the spine: stretching and strengthening both abdominals and spinals.
🌟 Practice combining breath with movement.
A quick “how to”…
🌟 From an all fours position, exhale, engage the abdominals and round your back toward the ceiling.
🌟 Focus the eyes on the abdomen to keep the head in line with your spine. Inhaling and arch the back changing the focus of the eyes to keep the head in line with the spine.
Hints & Tips:
🌟 Imagine that you spine is as flexible as a snake or a fish and try to move every vertebra. Use your “paintbrush eyes” to increase the mobility of your spine by looking at your navel as your spine rounds towards the ceiling.
🌟 Really focus on the movement of the pelvis rather than the shoulders in the “cat” part of the exercise. Often people move their shoulders a great deal at the expense of their lower part of the spine.
🌟 Imagine your spine is as flexible as a snake or a fish and try to move every vertebra.
🌟 Use your eyes to increase the mobility of the spine by looking at the navel as the spine rounds toward the ceiling.
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